Covering an area of 606.35 sq mi and having a total population of over 17K with a rich blend of different and diverse races including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others with more than 7.2K housing units and 5.1K families, Sharp County was established in 1868. The county is located in the State of Arkansas, United States, with Ash Flat as the county seat. It was named after Ephraim Sharp, an early settler of Arkansas.
Today one can swiftly acquire the required data in a smoother way than before from the Sharp County data storage. The vast records index therefore constitutes data related to birth, census, obituary and death reports, naturalization and immigration details, separation decree information, adoption and adoptee specifics, land allotment, marriage, martial service, last will and estate data, court public documents, civil war particulars, ancestral SSN and many more.