Wrapping up an area of 1,055.27 sq mi and having a total population of over 41K with a rich blend of different and diverse races including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others with more than 17K housing units and 12K families, Union County was established in 1829. The county is located in the State of Arkansas, United States, with El Dorado as the county seat. It was named after the concept of the union of the states.
Today one can dig out the considerable source of Union County data reserve and find his own ancestral history with other related public records information more conveniently than ever. This is thus the most detailed and comprehensive database providing systematic and organized information on separation decree information, naturalization and immigration particulars, marriage, casualty reports and obituary details, probates, military armed service, civil court facts, census and assets deeds, birth, familial SSN, civil war records and so on over the internet.